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Table 1 Characteristics of the Cohort

From: Increased C-reactive protein is associated with the severity of thoracic radiotherapy-induced cardiomyopathy


Median [IQR] or N (%)

Age, years

63 [59–66]

Female, n (%)

15 (60%)

Caucasian, n (%)

16 (64%)

African-American, n (%)

9 (36%)

Body mass index, kg/m2

26.4 [22.6–30.2]

Cancer Type


15 (60%)


10 (40%)

Time since Cancer Diagnosis, years

2.4 [1.1–3.9]

Prior chemotherapy

21 (84%)

Time since completion of chemotherapy, years

1.5 [0.5–3.0]

Time since completion of Radiotherapy, years

1.8 [0.4–3.6]

Hormonal modulating therapy

(Breast cancer only)

7 (28%)


5.4 [3.7–14.7]

C-reactive protein, mg/L

3.0 [1.7–6.9]


93 [78–102]


52 [47–61]

Doppler echo e’ velocity (cm/sec)

7.6 [7.0–9.6]

Delta LVOT VTI CO (L/min)

1.6 [1.5–1.9]

  1. Data are listed as n (%) or median (interquartile range). Abbreviations: kg/m2 Kilograms per meter squared, MCRD Mean cardiac radiation dose, Gy Gray units, mg/L Milligrams per liter, %APMHR Percentage of age-predicted maximal heart rate, LVEF Left-ventricular ejection fraction, e’ Doppler early diastolic mitral annular velocity, cm/sec Centimeters per second, LVOT VTI CO Left-ventricular outflow tract velocity time integral cardiac output with exercise, L/min Liters per minute.