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Fig. 3 | Cardio-Oncology

Fig. 3

From: Systemic and cardiac susceptibility of immune compromised mice to doxorubicin

Fig. 3

Cardiac progenitor cell analysis following doxorubicin exposure in hearts from study I. a CD45pos immune cells were not different between groups. b CD45negSca1pos non-immune cardiac cells were reduced in hearts with doxorubicin treatment. c CD45negSca1posCD105posCD31pos endothelial cell numbers are more than 50% lower in doxorubicin treated hearts. d CD45negSca1posCD105posCD31neg cardiac progenitor cells are significantly decreased in hearts exposed to doxorubicin. Individual data points with mean and SD are shown. N = 4, t-test with p values indicated

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