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Table 1 The standardized cardio-oncology patient scheduling and test result notification protocol. Established across our institution, this protocol serves as a comprehensive guideline and quality control mechanism for all cardio-oncology related scheduling and result notification processes, including consultation, imaging, and procedures. By providing consistency and reliability for patient care, this protocol ensures the highest quality of care for cardio-oncology patients

From: A novel cardio-oncology service line model in optimizing care access, quality and equity for large, multi-hospital health systems

2. Standardized Scheduling and Result Notification Protocol

2.1—Patient referral and Imaging study workflow protocol standardization

2.1.1—Dedicate appointment slots in NIV imaging department to accommodate timely Strain Echo testing

2.1.2—Provide oncology offices a Cardio-Oncology order AID for direct scheduling capabilities for Cardio-oncology echos/peripheral studies with instruction to call central scheduling for all appointment requests (including urgent requests)

2.1.3—Cardio-Oncology patients should be scheduled for timely NIV imaging studies (in < 5 business days)

2.1.4—Cardio-Oncology patients should be scheduled for timely clinical visits (in < 10 business days)

2.1.5—New Cardio-Oncology referrals need echo prior to or on the day of visit (if no echo within last 4 weeks)

2.1.4—Participating Cardiologists should dedicate outpatient clinic appointment slots for cardio-oncology patients

2.1.5—Information to be obtained from Ordering oncology offices

 * Type of Chemo, frequency, and dose

 * Treatment start date

 * Date of next scheduled appointment

 * Name of ordering physician, contact information, & Fax #

2.2—Standardized Imaging acquisition protocol on approved software platforms

2.2.1—Sonographers are to reference our NEW Cardio-Oncology Echocardiogram Protocol

2.2.2—Vendors software and tech training for 3D/strain echo

2.3—Imaging report format standardization

2.3.1—Include the following information in the report, per ASE guidelines:

 • Echo performed on a ‘(type in) system’ version ‘(type in)’

 • ‘(type in date)’, EF ‘(type in)’, GLS ‘(type in)’%

 • On this study, there has been a ‘(type in)’% change in GLS compared to pretreatment baseline

2.4—Standard result notification protocol & outcomes tracking

2.4.1—Reading physicians should generate results of imaging studies and notify referring provider of normal results or results consistent with last study within 48 h via fax/Athena

2.4.2—Reading physicians should generate results of imaging studies and notify referring provider directly or on-call MD to explain abnormal results within 24 h (abnormal results include but not limited to CTRCDs

2.4.3. Evidence of CTRCDs, Per ASE guidelines, abnormal results for chemotoxicity:

 * Absolute Reduction of LVEF of > 10 points to below LLN set at 50%

 * Absolute decrease in LVEF > 16% from pre-treatment values

 * Relative GLS decrease > 15% from pre-treatment baseline