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Fig. 4 | Cardio-Oncology

Fig. 4

From: Simplified rules-based tool to facilitate the application of up-to-date management recommendations in cardio-oncology

Fig. 4

Output customized to preventing ASCVD with focus on cholesterol assessment and statin therapy. ASCVD = atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease; LDL-C = low density lipoprotein cholesterol. The “if then else” structured formula =IF((Rules!D6=1),Rules!E6,””) shown on the left at the bottom of the figure captures the expectation that if in the Rules spreadsheet the patients’ characteristics fulfil criteria for pursuing the guideline recommendation in row D6 (denoted as D6=1) shown in Figure 3, then the specific output would be the content of cell B6, or else no output is given (represented as “”). The “if then else” structured formula =IF((Rules!D6=1),Rules!E6,“”) capturesthe expectation that if in the Rules spreadsheet the patients’ characteristics fulfil criteria for pursuing the guideline recommendation in row D6 (denoted as D6=1), then the specific output would be the content of cell E6, or else no output is given (represented as “”)

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