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Table 6 Admissions and referral for patients who developed cardiovascular events in response to the antineoplastic monoclonal antibodies

From: Cardiovascular adverse events of antineoplastic monoclonal antibodies among cancer patients: real-world evidence from a tertiary healthcare system


Hospital admission

Emergency department visits

Cardiology clinic referral

Bevacizumab (n = 81 patients)

37 (45.7%)

61 (75.3%)

8 (9.8%)

Trastuzumab (n = 71 patients)

16 (22.5%)

14 (19.7%)

41 (57.7%)

Pertuzumab combined with trastuzumab (n = 6 patients)



1 (16.7%)

Total (n = 158 patients)

53 (33.5%)

75 (47.4%)

50 (31.6%)